Goods Return Form

Our products are manufactured with the care and undergo strict quality assurance prior to delivery, to demonstrate the safety and performance of the products.

If there is still a reason to complain, you will find below a short guide. In order to process your request as quickly as possible and to make your process easier, we ask you to follow the below steps. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please note, for safety reasons, we can only accept used medical devices in a cleaned and disinfected condition.

  1. Download the goods return form and fill it completely.
  2. Send the completed form to the following address:
  3. Upon receipt, the process will be recorded and we will send you a return number.
  4. Now pack the goods without accessories and enclose the goods return form to the consignment.
  5. All further steps will be communicated to you by our customer service.

Then put the received return number on the outside of the package clearly visible.

Due to the safety of our employees we cannot accept returns without a return number.

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